The thumb lock broke off...

by Will S
(Navarre, Fl)


I have a sliding door to our patio that the thumb lock (not keyed) broke off. It's part of the cast of the lock and I haven't been able to find the lock with the thumb actuator... Do I have to buy a lock and handle assembly and if so can you help me ensure I get the correct one?

I'm including photos with the handle off to assist in identifying the correct one.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Dec 25, 2019

by: Adrian

Hi Will;

Merry Christmas!

First thing I would do is take the lock out of the door and see if you can push the broken piece of thumbturn out of the hole its stuck in

If it comes out, you should be able to find a Prime-Line handle set with a thumbturn at Home Depot or similar.

If you cant find one there or if the lock is damaged beyond repair I will be happy to send you whatever you need

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