E2077 Prime Line retainer clip problem

by Gail
(Tucson, AZ)

Prime Line patio door lock

Prime Line patio door lock

Thank you for your site. From your pictures, I was able to tell I have an E2077. The problem I have is with the retainer clip. It does not seem to hold the internal lock into place in the handle which allows the lock to move and not line up with the jam. Do I need a new internal lock or can the retainer clip be adjusted in some way to fit?

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Dec 15, 2020

by: Adrian

Sounds like you need a new retainer clip and they do not normally come with the lock.

This lock is also discontinued so you might have to make some sort of home made replacement retainer clip out of plastic or sheet metal.

A piece of aluminum sheet cut from some flashing with a slot cut in it would probably work. Would need to be attached with 2 small sheet metal screws top and bottom

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